09 Jun Estonian President’s visit to Sangaste Linnas
In the morning of 4th June, the cereal and grain flake factory AS Sangaste Linnas had a very important visitor – the president of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid.
The president had an opportunity to get a closer look at the production of various grains before they reach the store shelves. These products fit particularly well with Kersti Kaljulaid’s food preferences, as oat flakes can be found on her dining table almost every morning. “In addition to making the usual porridge, we use oats in other dishes such as cakes and pancakes,” she added.
Kersti Kaljulaid believes that porridge is in the cupboards of every household in Estonia. According to Pille Pokk, the chairman of Sangaste Linnas, the products were especially popular during the pandemic. Not only they attract many buyers due to their nutritional value but also because of the great flavour.
Pokk pointed out that the processing of flakes in their factory is a very complex procedure. All of the oat flakes are carefully pre-steamed so that the consumer can prepare a full breakfast in a short amount of time.
The Helen trademark of AS Sangaste Linnas has been producing a wide variety of grains for almost three decades. Nowadays they offer high-quality products from oat flakes, mixed grain porridge to buckwheat and rice flakes.
Original article: https://lounapostimees.postimees.ee/6988957/president-kaljulaid-eestlased-on-pudrurahvas (Written by: Madis Perli)